Sonntag, 24. Januar 2010

Wie man (gute) PR macht: Eine Katze als Stationsvorsteher

Die spinnen, die Japaner? - Durchaus möglich; sie spinnen aber ziemlich erfolgreich. Erfolgreicher als Eisenach, welches langsam aber sicher in kleinlichem Gezänke verschwindet. So verrückt das Ganze sein mag, die Eisenbahnstation hat damit an Popularität gewonnen. Bei den japanischen Touristen, auf die Eisenach so viel Wert legt...

Zitat(e) aus / Quote(s) from: Cat named stationmaster of unmanned station on the Wakayama Electric Railway | Japan Probe
Cat named stationmaster of unmanned station on the Wakayama Electric Railway
January 14th, 2007 by James

One railway knows how to generate some good PR:
KINOKAWA, Wakayama — A 7-year-old cat called Tama has been named a special stationmaster at a railway station here by the local Wakayama Electric Railway.

Two other cats were named deputy stationmasters at the same Kishi Station on the Kishigawa Line in Kinokawa. Stationmaster Tama, wearing a railway cap, and two other cats often welcome passengers at unmanned Kishi Station.

The operator of the shop at the station has been keeping the three cats. Wakayama Electric Railway officials will give cat food to them as a reward for their “work.”

Zitat(e) aus / Quote(s) from: Stationmaster Cat Draws Tourists | Japan Probe
Stationmaster Cat Draws Tourists
April 23rd, 2008 by James

Tama won nationwide popularity with the publication of a book of photos featuring her and intensive media coverage after she was appointed in 2007 as stationmaster of the unmanned station on Wakayama Electric Railway’s Kishigawa Line, which runs between cities of Wakayama and Kinokawa.

As a result, the number of passengers using the Kishigawa Line increased dramatically.

The railway company recognized the “efforts” of the 8-year-old cat and promoted the cat to division chief-level in January.

The company also expressed its appreciation of the cat’s role in drumming up business by transforming a ticket window into the stationmaster’s office.

In her 1.8-square-meter office equipped with a ventilation fan and a toilet, Tama looked relaxed and satisfied.

Zitat(e) aus / Quote(s) from: Cat 'stationmaster' gets promoted to executive post at railway company - The Mainichi Daily News
Cat 'stationmaster' gets promoted to executive post at railway company

KINOKAWA, Wakayama -- The cat stationmaster of a railroad station here has been appointed as a corporate executive of the Wakayama Electric Railway Co., the company has announced.

The train operator has promoted 10-year-old female cat Tama, currently a stationmaster of Kishi Station on the Kishikawa Line, to the post of operating officer in recognition of her contribution to expanding the customer base.

This is the first time in the world for a cat to become an executive of a railroad corporation, a company official said. Tama will continue to serve as the stationmaster while assuming the new role.


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